I am having an issue reconcilling the design of my objects with the desired disaply of the data in the Infragistics Grid. The design of the objects is as follows
The number of items in both collections is variable. The problem I am having is that the Business folks want the data displayed like
Property NomGroupA NomGroupB
Property1 Value1 Value1
Property2 Value2 Value2
The built in Databinding doesn't seem to have a way to get the data to display like this and, since both the X and Y elements are variable, I haven't been able to come up with an object design that would accomplish this. I don't want to sacrafice databinding nor the Validation in my Business Objects.
Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this?
More or less what you are describing is a crosstab query.
My suggestion is to create a helper object in the UI that re-shapes the data into the right format for data binding, but delegates all the calls down into the real objects.
NomGroupList list = NomGroupList.GetList();
NomCrosstab ct = new NomCrosstab(list);
bindingSource.DataSource = ct;
This NomCrosstab object would contain the original list, and would delegate all calls down to it. But you'd code it to be a list of values in the shape required by the UI.
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