Access denied on build

Access denied on build

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gajit posted on Thursday, May 10, 2007

Hi guys,

I've been experiencing a problem when building my app for the last couple of months - I'm sure it is a VS issue and not CSLA, but wondered if anyone else has experienced it and found a resolution.

From time-to-time, when I build/rebuild my solution, I get a compile error ;

Error 13 Unable to copy file "..\crm2k6.Library\bin\Release\Csla.xml" to "bin\Release\Csla.xml". Access to the path '..\crm2k6.Library\bin\Release\Csla.xml' is denied. crm2k6Win

I have done nothing to the windows read/write privileges on my app. paths, and it only happens intermittently. But the only way to to get past this is to close VS and restart VS, then reopen the solution.

I suspect this MAY be a lingering issue from when I had previously tried to use cs-rcs (vcs) - which did not work, but have no idea where to start looking for a resolution.

Any ideas?




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