Validating/Sanitizing input for ReadOnlyListBase criteria....

Validating/Sanitizing input for ReadOnlyListBase criteria....

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kdog posted on Friday, May 11, 2007

I want to validate / sanitize the input for my criteria objects for a readonlylistbase object I have.

I created a validate routine in the readonlylistbase and the fetch's call the validate routine.

Private Sub ValidateCriteria(ByVal criteria As String)

If criteria.Trim <> String.Empty OrElse Not Regex.IsMatch(criteria, "[0-9a-zA-Z-\s]{1,30}") Then

Throw New Csla.Validation.ValidationException("Invalid search criteria")

End If

End Sub

If it fails I throw a CSLA.Validation.ValidationException and let the caller handle it.

Catch ex As Exception

If ex.GetBaseException.GetType.ToString = "Csla.Validation.ValidationException" Then

' do something...


'some other exception

''' TODO Add code for this....

End If

I believe this is the way to go to ensure if client validation fails or is subverted  no matter where it is (web, forms,etc) then my object will stop it.

I am looking for feedback on if this is a good way to solve this....



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