The secnario is -
(1) A GridView is bound with a BusinessListBase class with two fields
(2) For better user experience, we have the Save button bound with IsDirty of the businesslistbase object, so that Save button is enabled when object is dirty (ready to be saved).
(3) But due to GridView default behaviour, let say the user edits a field in a record...and does not move from the line...object does not become dirty and save is not enabled. I know this is the default behaviour... But as we implemented in VB6 in our old software, users want Save to be enabled as soon as any editing is done in GridView.
Which event or method should we use to do this? Every control does have one OnPropertyChanged behaviour...but for the controls embeddedinside the gridview...I cannot find the property anywhere...
Help is requested from experts.
In a gridview, the only thing that I've found is I hit the [ENTER] key, which forces the edit to be accepted, before I click save. I don't know any other way either!!
After searching through forums - I found a solution. Two things you have to use -
gridview CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged event &
gridview.IsCurrentCellDirty property
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