Modelling Nested Aggregation

Modelling Nested Aggregation

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josh.kodroff posted on Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hey all.  I have a case of nested aggregation: We have studies.  Sites participate in studies, and raters participate at sites for a study.  That gives us a database table structure of (only the relevant columns are shown):

Study: study_id
Site: site_id
Study_Site: study_site_id, study_id, site_id
Rater_Study_Site: rater_study_site_id, rater_id, site_id

(No suggestions on changing the database structure, please.  It's non-negotiable.)

The study object already has a bunch of children (4 different kinds), so I can't really load up a study just to add sites to it.  In addition, in our business model, editing the study is something only a project manager should really do.  Lower level employees can add sites to the study and raters to the sites for the study.  Both actions are virtually never done at the same time.

Therefore, the form that adds sites and raters to a study will be its own distinct form.

Here's what I'm thinking for my object model:
What do you guys think of my design?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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