Is 1.53 compiled into .NET 2.0 a trustable approach?

Is 1.53 compiled into .NET 2.0 a trustable approach?

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Izhido posted on Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I'm currently in the process of porting an application I've started developing about two years ago into .NET 2.0. The app currently uses CSLA 1.53 as his business layer. I was planning to recompile CSLA 1.53 "into" VS2005, to ease my porting efforts (temporarily, of course... I know the best approach would be to migrate the biz layer to 2.1 :D ).

I still haven't recompiled 1.53, but /methinks it actually should be easy. My question, however, is this: if the recompiling actually succeeds, will I have a stable, rock-solid CSLA.NET 1.53 base library just like the original one? Or will I start seeing strange exceptions popping up, or worse yet, "non-exceptions" like System.ExecutionEngineException or the like?

Because, if I wont get a stable base, then I better start recoding the biz layer into 2.0 right away. What has been your experience with this?

- Izhido

Igor replied on Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Have been using CSLA 1.50 rebuilt under .Net 2.0 for appr. 6 months; no problems noticed

Skeeboe replied on Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Remoting still doesn't work with the 1.53 code compiled in .net 2.0. I've asked for help before on that topic but never got it resolved.

ajj3085 replied on Thursday, May 17, 2007

You should be able to compile Csla 1.53 to .Net 1.1 and simply use the resulting assembly as is in .Net 2.0.

RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, May 18, 2007

As I've said on other threads, it doesn't entirely surprise me that there would be issues with remoting and 1.53. Microsoft made some changes to the way remoting works from .NET 1.1 to 2.0 and you may need to rework some parts of the data portal and/or the core base classes (like BusinessBase) to accomodate those changes.

I'm not porting 1.53 to .NET 2.0 as an official thing. This is why I created CSLA 2.0 Wink [;)]

But if someone wants to work through the issues and post their findings to the forum, I imagine others would find that useful.

Or I'll even extend this idea: I now have a contributor agreement contract for CSLA. If someone wanted to create a 1.54 that worked under .NET 1.1 and 2.0 (maybe with compiler switches?) in both C# and VB, they could sign that agreement and I'd put it up as an official release.

I just don't have time to do that - I am finding it hard enough to get the time to finalize the changes for CSLA 3.0 so I can get that into a beta test mode.

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