SimpleCSLA posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I can get project tracker to run without remoting, but can't with remoting. I've run throug
guyroch's remoting test, but whenever I try to run
http://localhost/MyRemotingTest/RemotingPortal.rem?wsdlI get the "Page Not Found" error.
What strikes me as interesting is the webconfig line that has:
type="Csla.Server.Hosts.RemotingPortal, Csla"/>
When I click on the CSLA project I imported (and I put the DLL in the bin file), I don't see a subdirectory under CSLA that says SERVER. I see CSLA.DATAPORTAL.SERVER, but not CSLA.SERVER.
Is there a piece of CSLA that I'm not importing? And if yes, where do I get it from.