Master Detail Datagridview and Errorprovider

Master Detail Datagridview and Errorprovider

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josh.kodroff posted on Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Hey all,

I have a datagridview displaying some of the attributes of a list of items and a bunch of controls showing all of the attributes of the selected item.

In my business object, Name is required.  When I create a new object, name is blank, and therefore the object is not valid.  When I add a new object to my collection, my ErrorProvider control is showing name as invalid in the summary DataGridView, but not in the textbox in the details view.

What am I doing wrong?  Why aren't the details controls showing Name as invalid?  (I have additional business rules, and none of them are working with the ErrorProvider in the deatils view either.)


RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, June 07, 2007

The grid control doesn't use the errorprovider, it does its own thing. In other words, I doubt your errorprovider is working at all.

Odds are that it somehow isn't bound to the right bindingsource or something like that.

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