Could not create type 'Csla.Server.Hosts.WebServicePortal' ???

Could not create type 'Csla.Server.Hosts.WebServicePortal' ???

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gartnerj posted on Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I have created a WebServicesPortal for use with my business library (CSLA, which has the CSLA.dll in the bin dir (and the BOLibrary dll also), the asmx file has:

<%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="Csla.Server.Hosts.WebServicePortal" %>


but if I go to that page (localhost/dir/BOWebServicePortal.asmx), or run from my client application, I am getting the error:

 Could not create type 'Csla.Server.Hosts.WebServicePortal' ???


Any ideas here as to what I should be looking for as to why this couldn't be created?

I have set the permissions to be scripts and executables,  anonymous access.  Are there settings I am missing in IIS, or??????



gartnerj replied on Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sorry -- just saw that it has to use REAL IIS!  That was the issue - I was running on a dev box.

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