When using a collection to fill Infragistics UltraGrid, does anyone know how to pre-determine which fields show up in the UltraGrid, besides spinning through all the columns and manually hiding the unwanted? Does Infragistics display members that are public?
Thank You!
When using a collection to fill Infragistics UltraGrid, does anyone know how to pre-determine which fields show up in the UltraGrid, besides spinning through all the columns and manually hiding the unwanted? Does Infragistics display members that are public?
Thank You!
Decorate the properties that you want hidden with the Browsable(False) attribute. That is what works for me.
Glad to be of help. I am still somewhat of a newbie to CSLA, so my ability to help other users is limited.
Another solution would be to "build" your grids in code. I know this sounds like a pain, but I've had problems with grids that were setup using the UltraGrid designer bound to a bindingsource. Specifically, when you add a new property to the business object, it is automagically added to the grid, and if I remember correctly, the order of the columns in the grid is also jumbled. I created a base grid class that inherited from the ultra grid and added some "helper" methods that would make building the grids in code less of a struggle. Specifically I call a setup method with an ordered ArrayList of the columns/properties that I want to be visible in the grid, and all others have visible set to false. This base class is also a nice place to add helper methods for setting up columns that will be using the ultradropdown.
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