Upgrade to 2.1.4

Upgrade to 2.1.4

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/3010.aspx

griff posted on Friday, June 08, 2007


I have an app written in vb.net using vs2003 and clsa 1.4.

I intend to upgrade to vs2005 and then use clsa 2.1.4. (for future enhancements)

Does anyone have advice/guidance/hints/views etc to doing something like this i.e. running both clsa versions from one app (is it possible for instance).




Dog Ears replied on Monday, June 11, 2007

I believe you can mix the 2.x with 1.x as long as you change the namespace,  i'm mucking around with Csla2 namespace.  BUT, i think it only works if you are not using remote feature.

So far i tried chaning a single child object to Csla2 and it works fine even though it's a child of complex CSLA [1.5] graph.  I can't see any reason why it wouldn't.

Some tips on what the baso changes to get it working would be good.



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