DataFormatString a CSLA Object

DataFormatString a CSLA Object

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ksirmons posted on Friday, June 08, 2007


I have a case where I have created a UserInfo CSLA Class that is used for displaying a person’s name.  I have overridden the ToString method to look at a displaystyle enum in the class and to return a string of the users name formatted according to the displaystyle (First Last or Last, First or FiLast etc...)

I have another ToString that takes a displaystyle enum and returns the person’s name in that style.


I want to give this ability to the UI.  When using a grid for example, I can select the UserName as a column.  It displays the name using the ToString method and this works well.  It displays whatever the default style is. 

How can I then use the DataFormatString to modify this at the UI layer?

What do I need to add to my CSLA class so it can understand what is typed into the DataFormatString of a <ASP:BoundField>?


Aslo, Can you use the DataFormatString against a SmartDate?  I have a smart date object that I want to display as well and it looks like it ignores the formatstring.  If I change the property to give out a date instead of a smartdate, the formatstring works correctly.

Thank you,





ksirmons replied on Friday, June 08, 2007

It looks like I was able to answer my first question.

I made my class implement IFormattable which created a new ToString method:

Public Overloads Function ToString(ByVal format As String, ByVal formatProvider As System.IFormatProvider) As String Implements System.IFormattable.ToString

I then look at the string values of the format var and send out the person's name based on the format string that I made up.

 FiLi = First Initial Last Initial (JC)

FiLn = First Initial Last Name (JCash)

FnLn = Johnny Cash

LnFn = Cash, Johnny


Still pondering if this will work for a SmartDate.

Thank you,


Brian Criswell replied on Friday, June 08, 2007

You can add the IFormattable interface to SmartDate yourself.  If the SmartDate is empty, return an empty string, otherwise return _date.ToString(format).

Rocky, this may be a sensible addition to SmartDate.

RockfordLhotka replied on Saturday, June 09, 2007

Added to the wish list.

ksirmons replied on Monday, June 11, 2007


Where would I add this functionality?  Into the CSLA framework code and compile? I think that would be bad since I would not want to re-modify every framework update to fix my code.

Should I create a custom date object that inherits from SmartDate to add this functionality into?

Thank you,


Brian Criswell replied on Monday, June 11, 2007

Well, I personally modify a few paerts of the framework directly.  I store my copy of CSLA in Subversion.  When Rocky releases a new version, I unzip it into my repository.  This causes my customisations to be overwritten, so I diff all of the changed files and inlude my modifications back in.  Finally, I add all of the new files to Subversion and commit.  Total time from start to finish : 15-30 minutes.

In this case, I would suggest adding IFormattable directly to SmartDate and implement it using the algorithm suggested above.

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