Security and speed with business objects over DSL internet line compared to LAN

Security and speed with business objects over DSL internet line compared to LAN

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g18c posted on Friday, June 22, 2007

Hi, my business objects will be going over the wire to a remote data server (possibly far away on the internet!) and will be accessing a database there. I know business objects are more efficient than datasets going over the wire, but I am still concerned about speed and impacts of my design.

Say for example I have a master/detail grid. My read only base list is used for the master list which shows partial information as a ReadOnlyBase<MyObjSessionInfo>, when I click on this item I then request a specific item from the business object list and all the details (including child lists) are retrieved as a full blown object and shown in the detail section of the form.

I know this is a question is dependent on how fast the internet is and how many people are hitting the server, but for a 4k data fetch being performed on the server in the data portal method how would the experience differ from a LAN to an internet connection, given we have a reasonable speed internet line and ping from client to server of 300ms?

Also say security is a concern is it possible to for CSLA to encrypt the connection between itself and the server when serializing objects to be sent over the wire?

Are there better ways I could investigate for my project (i.e. web services)?

Many thanks in advance,


Brian Criswell replied on Friday, June 22, 2007

For size of data being sent over remoting, look at Xal's compressed DataPortal.  For security, make your DataPortal end point use SSL.

Anyone else have other suggestions?

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