Any more books underway?

Any more books underway?

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cliffordru posted on Monday, June 25, 2007

Apologies in advance if this info is listed elsewhere in the site, but I did not see it in the roadmap section.  Are there any plans/timelines for the release of an updated version of your Apress books or eBook for CSLA .NET 3.0?

RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, June 25, 2007

It isn't in the roadmap because I haven't finalized my plans yet.

My current train of thought is to do some sort of 3.0 ebook in the very near future, and Expert C#/VB 2008 Business Objects books after that, with a target release in the second quarter of 2008.

But nothing is set yet, as I'm still talking to Apress about these things, and I'm trying to see if I have time to do an ebook in the next few weeks.

If I do decide to do the ebook, it will probably be a little different than the last one. I'm considering focusing purely on how to use the 3.0 features, and not spending time discussing the implementation within the framework. This would reduce my time/effort, and the size/cost of the book.

JoeFallon1 replied on Monday, June 25, 2007


I agree with your idea about the ebook and focusing on how to use the new code.

We can always read the code to see how it works.


josh.kodroff replied on Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I would be in favor of that approach.  Although it was interesting to learn how the framework was implemented and I'm glad that I understand it, to me the most important chapters are 8 and above.

I wouldn't mind more content to those chapters in the form of examples.  Maybe make the PT project more complex because the book would be so much shorter?


JonM replied on Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I agree with this approach.  I did read the last e-book but really got the most out of the actually usage examples.

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