Databinding part 2
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ajj3085 posted on Monday, June 25, 2007
Thanks to Rocky's help, I've gotten my databinding code corrected, except for one issue.
The problem I'm now encountering is this: I have a root object, which a child collection. The root object is a document, say a Quote, and the collection are of LineItems. Everything is working nicely, until I try one of the features which is Group of line items. Certain line items may contain other line items.
To handle the grouping requirement, I have a GroupLineItem object, which contains a GroupSubItems collection. A GroupSubItem is a decorator around the original line item. When the grouping is done, the items currently in the documents LineItems collection are removed, a GroupLineItem is created and the items removed are placed into the GroupSubItems of the new GroupItem.
Initially I hit a problem because the new group line item never had BeginEdit called on it. I ensured this happened, and also marked the GroupSubItems collection as NotUndoable. This seems to work for creating a group.
The problem now is editing of the group item or one if its subitems is causing an Edit level mismatch UndoException. I'm kind of at a loss on how to proceed in this case.
Any suggestions?
ajj3085 replied on Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I think I solved the issues here. In the GroupSubItem, I marked the decorated instance field as NotUndoable. I also removed the manual call to BeginEdit on the GroupItem before added it to the collection, which I do via the Items binding source. Everything seems pretty happy now..
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