Dynamic properties and databinding

Dynamic properties and databinding

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/3102.aspx

cultofluna posted on Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Is there someone who has experience with the use of dynamic properties in a BO and the support of databinding?

I want a BO for a file that has custom properties that can be configured by the user. So the BO has a property called CustomProperties("keyword") that can have several properties.

Is it possible to bind such a property using the default binding functionality?

I haven't tried anything yet, because I was hoping someone already tried something like this with good results.

Thanks for your response.


Brian Criswell replied on Wednesday, June 27, 2007

You should probably look at some of the interfaces that the DataView and DataRowView implement such as ICustomTypeDescriptor.

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