Object collection with load on demand capability and paged capability

Object collection with load on demand capability and paged capability

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/3104.aspx

John Ye posted on Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I have a big collection of objects that are constructed out of the DataRow[].  I eventually bind the collection to the GUI for display and editing.  I got the DataTable from the query but I don't want to construct all the child objects all at once at the beginning.  I want to implement the collection to let the GUI decide which range of objects it needs to display at a given time, and the collection will construct the objects based on the DataRow[] if they are not constructed already.  This way, if a causual user bring up this long list, he won't have to waist a lot of time to get the form loaded.  And if he scroll around, the form will gradually load the objects that are within the range in the display.  Thanks very much for your input.

rfcdejong replied on Tuesday, December 09, 2008

hmm, noone ever replyed on this topic, while im positive we are going to have nearly the same issues. No matter how the data is requested, there will be child-lists in a business object with thousands of records. It won't be that nice to load them all.

Our windows application was using the infragistics components, the grid had a nice functionality named DisplayLayout.LoadStyle = "LoadOnDemand".
Our new application will be in WPF, i don't know if there is some functionality like infragistics implimented.

It's differend as "Lazy Load" in which the complete childlist is only being loaded whenever it's accessed. But then will the complete list still be loaded with thousands and thousands of records.

I wonder how this can work together with CSLA?
Anyone with an idea?

PS: Or do i have to make a new post?

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