Newbie trouble - missing methods?

Newbie trouble - missing methods?

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Michael Hildner posted on Thursday, June 08, 2006


I'm pretty new to CSLA and the CodeSmith templates I got from gotdotnet. Having a little trouble generating my first classes.

I have a table named PrintItem which holds information about photographic prints. I used the EditableRoot.cst template to generate the business object code and that works fine. I also need to work with a collection of PrintItems, so I tried using the EditableRootList.cst. I set the ChildName to PrintItem, the object name to PrintItemList and the RootTable to dbo.PrintItem.

I get some errors compiling PrintItemList. It's saying the PrintItem does not contain definitions for DeleteSelf, Insert and Update.

Looking at CSLA's sample application, ProjectTracker, I'm comparing my classes to ResourceAssignment and ResourceAssignments. I see that ResourceAssignment has these methods.

Should I just add these methods to my BusinessBase class or am I not understanding CSLA quite right?

Any help is appreciated.



Apologies, but I'm cross posting this on CodeSmith and the CSLA forum as I'm not sure where is the best place to post.

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, June 08, 2006

There are many ways to have a parent interact with its children. It is possible that the CodeSmith templates weren't authored to follow the pattern I used in the book, and if so then you'll need to conform to the pattern used by those templates, or alter the templates to follow the book's approach.

Michael Hildner replied on Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thanks for the reply. I need to revisit my issue as I recently learned - from my other thread today - that I didn't understand how to work CSLA in the first place. The templates are probably fine.



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