Databinding Question?

Databinding Question?

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yuhnkee posted on Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I have a grid which is bound (thru a binding source) to a collection(collection1) of objects (object1).  Those objects have a property which is another collection(collection2) of objects(object2).  When I set the binding source to collection1,  collection2 is always getting filled.  Does this always have to be the case?  If I only want to a couple properties from object1 it can be taxing to have to fill all of the properties (escpecially collections).  I was hoping to just use lazy loading but databinding is always calling all of the properties.

In my case I am dealing with permissions and if I have accesss to collection1, I might not have access to object2 and i don't to throw an axception.  This doesn't seem right and I think I am doing something wrong.  Is there a way to handle this?

yuhnkee replied on Thursday, July 12, 2007

I think this might be an infragistics thing.  When I add a datasource to an infragistics grid that has collections nested inside the object it adds the band for all of those collections.  I try to remove them from the designer but it gets added back every time.

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