SortedBindingList: IBindingListView ?SortedBindingList: IBindingListView ?
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FireGarden posted on Monday, July 16, 2007
I am reading Databinding with Windows Forms 2.0 by Brian Noyes and I came accross IBindingListView. The role of that interface is essentially to define advanced searching and sorting.
I see in the latest version of Csla 2.0 you implemented a searching and sorting class however you did not implement IDatabindingView. Considering IDatabindingView implements IDatabinding is there a reason why you choose not to implement this interface?
Rob FireGardenJoeFallon1 replied on Monday, July 16, 2007
I think Rocky implemented a useful object but it does have limitations. The biggest one is multi-property sorting.
I just looked at the code for the ObjectListView (in CSLA Contrib) and it does implement the interface you mentioned.
I use it exclusively for filtering and sorting as it can handle multi-property sorting.
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