This is definitely off-topic, but it is hard to find forums with such variety of experience as I have found here. I am hoping to get some insight on how I might best share my class libraries across different applications. I foresee a future need to have both a web-based and windows based implementation of the same business case. If at any point, those two diverge slightly and I have to update the shared class library to accomodate the differences, then one of the applications will be out of synch.
Do I...
1) Recompile the other application with the new DLL as well whenever the changes are made?
2) Leave the application out of synch until it needs to be modified?
3) Use remoting to share objects instead of DLLs? Or web services to process transactions?
Any input is appreciated.
Thank you,
In my view you have two general options.
Thank you for the reply. I suspect that of the two options you outlined, option #2 is the preferred method here. I will try that approach on a sample application to see if the effort is worth it.
Thank you,
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