Trying to convert string to smartdate.

Trying to convert string to smartdate.

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ThomasJGregg posted on Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I am tring to convert a string to a smartdate for a grid column.  The column is a date column with a dropdown tool.  I need to be able to see null dates of course.  here is my current code.

The datacolumn:

DataColumn onsetDate = new DataColumn("OnsetDate", typeof(SmartDate));


The code to add the date:

SmartDate dateIn = null;

if (diagnosis.OnsetDate == null)


row["OnsetDate"] = dateIn;




dateIn = diagnosis.OnsetDate;

row["OnsetDate"] = dateIn;



The problem is the diagnois.OnsetDate is a string value.  How do i change this to be a SmartDate.

My product uses CSLA 1.0

Any help would be appreciated.


RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, July 17, 2007

In CSLA 1.x SmartDate was a reference type, so you need to create an instance:

SmartDate dateIn = new SmartDate();

Then you can set or retrieve its Text property to work with the value as a string:

string x = dateIn.Text;

dateIn.Text = "1/1/08";

In CSLA 2.0+ SmartDate is a value type (struct) and so the semantics are a bit different, but you still use the Text property when dealing with string values.

ThomasJGregg replied on Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Worked like a charm!  Thank you sir.

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