Apply sort withing the BOL?

Apply sort withing the BOL?

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ballistic posted on Saturday, July 21, 2007

I have an XML db field which I use to store the name of a country.

 <country lang="en">United States</country>
<country lang="es">Estados Unidos</country>

I then have a ReadOnlyListBase class (CountryInfoList) which gets the field and based on the current language will get the correct value from the xml.

Since I cannot count on the DB to be able to order base on the selected language, I have to sort the list myself.

In the examples I've seen, the ordering is done in the GUI, however, I would like to hide that detail from the UI and just provide it an ordered list based on the selected language.

So is there a way to sort on the BOL?

Thank you!

 - Andy

Brian Criswell replied on Sunday, July 22, 2007

Use the SortedBindingList or ObjectListView.  Search the forums for examples of how to use them.

ballistic replied on Sunday, July 22, 2007

Thank you Brian, I ended up using the SortedBindingList to sort the list after I get it from the db:

Public Shared Function GetCountryInfoList(ByVal Language As String) As SortedBindingList(Of CountryInfo)

If (_Countries.Item(Language) Is Nothing) Then
     Dim unSorted As CountryInfoList = DataPortal.Fetch(Of CountryInfoList)(New Language_Criteria(Language)) 'Get Unsorted List
     Dim sorted As SortedBindingList(Of CountryInfo) = New SortedBindingList(Of CountryInfo)(unSorted)
     sorted.ApplySort("Name", ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending)
     _Countries.Item(Language) = sorted
End If
Return CType(_Countries.Item(Language), SortedBindingList(Of CountryInfo))

End Function

The only part I'm not too fond of is that I have to return SortedBindingList(Of
CountryInfo).  Ideally I would be returning a sorted CountryInfoList, but I'm not able to convert one to the other.

Is this possible?

 - Andy

JoeFallon1 replied on Sunday, July 22, 2007


One idea would be to create a 2nd instance of CountryInfoList using New and then loop over the sorted collection and add each object to your New instance.

Seems like a lot of trouble compared to the 1.x way of directly sorting the collection. But Rocky had said that the original method caused all kinds of problems.



ballistic replied on Monday, July 23, 2007


I tried your suggestion and it worked, but you are right, it is too much work :)

 - Andy

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