Setting Values using a business object

Setting Values using a business object

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jyjy posted on Friday, July 27, 2007

I am having a hard time loading a data into my FormView elements.  Basically,

My FormView is in insert mode.  It looks like this.  Before this page is loaded, I have Session["PO Number"] = "PO123".  If you look at the bottom of Initialize(),

I have the following:

if (Session["PO Number"] != null)


FormView1.DefaultMode = FormViewMode.Edit;



So, my objective is to after the UI elements are initialized with items, I want to load a business obejct and have the values set automatically, but it's not working.  In my aspx file, I have

<%# Bind("DateString") %>

for each UI element.

Please help.


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (IsPostBack)








protected void Initialize()


// Vendor

DropDownList ddlVendor = (DropDownList)FormView1.FindControl("ddlVendor");

Companies oCompanies = Intel.SystemEngineering.Procure.Companies.GetCompanyList(2);

Vendors oVendors = Intel.SystemEngineering.Procure.Vendors.GetVendors(0);

foreach (Company oCompany in oCompanies)


foreach (Vendor oVendor in oVendors)


if (oCompany.ID == oVendor.CompanyID)

ddlVendor.Items.Add(new ListItem(oCompany.ShortName, oVendor.ID.ToString()));



// Bill To and Ship To

DropDownList ddlBillTo = (DropDownList)FormView1.FindControl("ddlBillTo");

DropDownList ddlShipTo = (DropDownList)FormView1.FindControl("ddlShipTo");

oCompanies = Intel.SystemEngineering.Procure.Companies.GetCompanyList(1); // 1 is a company type

foreach (Company oCompany in oCompanies)


ddlBillTo.Items.Add(new ListItem(oCompany.ShortName, oCompany.ID.ToString()));

ddlShipTo.Items.Add(new ListItem(oCompany.ShortName, oCompany.ID.ToString()));


// Status

DropDownList ddlStatus = (DropDownList) FormView1.FindControl("ddlStatus");

PurchaseOrderStatuses oStatuses = Intel.SystemEngineering.Procure.PurchaseOrderStatuses.GetPurchaseOrderStatuses();

foreach (PurchaseOrderStatus oStatus in oStatuses)

ddlStatus.Items.Add(new ListItem(oStatus.Name, oStatus.ID.ToString()));

//CslaDataSource1.SelectObject += new EventHandler<Csla.Web.SelectObjectArgs>(OnSelect);


if (Session["PO Number"] != null)


FormView1.DefaultMode = FormViewMode.Edit;




protected void OnSelect(object sender, Csla.Web.SelectObjectArgs e)


e.BusinessObject = PurchaseOrder.GetPurchaseOrder("PO123");



//PurchaseOrder oPO = PurchaseOrder.GetPurchaseOrder("PO123");

//Csla.Data.DataMapper.Map(e.Values, oPO);

//e.RowsAffected = 1;


//Session["PO Number"] = oPO.Number;

//Response.Redirect("LineItem.aspx", true);


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