binding, errorprovider, and tabcontrol. Want to auto-tab to first error

binding, errorprovider, and tabcontrol. Want to auto-tab to first error

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mtagliaf posted on Monday, July 30, 2007

I have a complex CSLA (3.0) object that i'm editing via a form that displays all of the various textboxes, comboboxes, etc via a tabcontrol. 

If the object is ready to be saved but fails validation, I would like to navigate to the tab page that contains the field that is causing the error (if there is more than one error, than
navigating to the page that contains the first error would be sufficient).

Has anyone written some type of looping dealie that can loop through all the bound controls and see if any of them are currently displaying the errorprovider or something similar?

thank you,
matt tag

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