I have an EditableRoot object lets name it Customer, which contains 4 EditableChildLists. When I perform an insert or update (using Save()) all works fine so the save happens, the time required is very little and both developers and users are happy.This functionality gets triggered when the save button on my panel is clicked.
Now I have another button on my form which changes the status of 1 property and in turn calls the save method on my form. In there I have my apply edit, clone etc commands and finally Save(). But somehow the save operation now takes a good 5-10 seconds! I cannot exactly pinpoint where the delay occurs but I think its both at the point I clone my object but specially when I reach my MarkOld statement in my Dataportal_Update method.
But why if I use the same route via the UI all the way to the dataportal of my BO does it take longer? I am tempted to create a seperate CommandBase object and include a command there which would specifically call a stored proc that updates this 1 status field on my customer but it seems silly. Any ideas?
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