Hi There,
I'm brand new to CSLA, so please forgive my questions.
I am using a ReadOnlyList and a ReadOnlyChild (which I generated using cslagen) classes to fill a datagridview.
My problem is that, although my stored procedure has a given columns order, the datagridview columns appear with a different one. My datagridview.autogeneratecolumns property is set to True.
How can I get the datagridview columns to appear in the same order the stored procedure columns are? Shouldn't it be by default?
I set up my grid once when the form loads.
ObjectBindingSource _sessionsBindingSource = new ObjectBindingSource();_sessionsBindingSource.DataSource = _sessions; //_sessions is a BusinessListBase<SessionList, Session>, youmay just want to bind it to a new BusinessBaseList
foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop_descr in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties
(typeof(Session), new Attribute[] { new BrowsableAttribute(true) }))
(new BindableProperty(prop_descr.Name, prop_descr.DisplayName));
(DataGridViewColumn c in grdResults.Columns){
c.ReadOnly =
true;c.Visible =
int colCounter = 0;grdResults.Columns[
"ScheduleGroup_Enrollment_Child_Name"].DisplayIndex = colCounter++;grdResults.Columns[
"ScheduleGroup_Enrollment_Child_Name"].Visible = true;grdResults.Columns[
"ScheduleGroup_Enrollment_Child_Name"].Width = 100;grdResults.Columns[
"ScheduleGroup_Enrollment_Child_Name"].HeaderText = "Child";Rebind it if your source changed
_sessionsBindingSource.DataSource = _sessions;
grdResults.DataSource = _sessionsBindingSource;
This way the order of the columns will be as you want them
Make sure to set them up only once, not every time your source changes
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