GetIdValue in xxInfo Class

GetIdValue in xxInfo Class

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bobhagan posted on Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'm starting to translate an application from csal 1x, and am stuck already.

To understand the code, I took the PTracker ProjectList and substituted my Client table fields into
a ClientInfo class  The GetIdValue section uses a character field, client_id.
When I call ClientList, the query returns rows, but when the code gets to ReadOnlyBase.GetHashcode, client_id is null and causes an exception.

This must be pretty simple, because there are almost no questions on this.
What am I missing?

Bob Hagan

bobhagan replied on Saturday, June 10, 2006

Don't capitalize the values in the constructor

internal ClientInfo(string client_id, string client_nm)
      _client_id = client_id;
 NOT   _client_id = Client_nm;


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