Does anyone know why the 'Configure Data Source' choice would not be visible in a CSLADatasource object when dragged onto a webform?
I do get CslaDataSource Tasks and Refresh Schema choices.
When I open up the Projecttracker application web forms and look at csladatasource the choice is there, but in my own project they are not.
I am using CSLA 3.0,have the library I have created of classes with appropriate references and namespaces representing ones found in project tracker, and the csladatasource drag and drop tool was added to the tools. So i think I have done most of the things necessary to have a fully configurable CSLADatasource.
Thoughts ? ( and please forgive if this has been answered before- i did try a keyword search)
You can check the ebook and Rocky's blog posts.
I believe that dragging the CSLADataSource onto the designer is not allowed. It is a known issue that is unresolvable since MS controls the designer code. I think if you use markup or some other technique you can then fully use the CSLADataSource. You just can't drag it from the toolbox.
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