upgrade to 3.0.1

upgrade to 3.0.1

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/3415.aspx

jhw posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2007

If I upgrade to csla 3.0.1, what is there for documentation. Will most everthing in Rock's vb 2005 business objects book still be applicable, along with the pdf book on 2.14. Or is there some other documentation we can follow if there are major changes. I see in the last post replied by Rocky that he is recommending upgrading to 3.0.1



RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Most of Expert VB 2005 Business Objects still applies, along with the CSLA .NET Version 2.1 Handbook.

However, there is a lot of purely new functionality with WPF, WCF and WF and that will be covered in the upcoming Using CSLA .NET 3.0 ebook I'm writing at the moment. I expect this new book to be available around the end of September.

The thing is, if you ignore the .NET 3.0 support, CSLA .NET 3.0 is more like a "2.1.5". There are a number of important bug fixes and some enhancements in a few areas, but the only major changes are for support of .NET 3.0 features.

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