To support an authentication system we have call siteMinder which is an ISAPI filter on our webservice I need to be able to pass a token in the header of the HTTP request that .NET romoting uses with it performs the call to the DLL on the server.
Anyone know how to do this?
I ma using the Remoting proxy and have .NET Remoting configuration.
I think you'll need to create your own variation on the remoting proxy. You can just copy-paste the proxy code from CSLA into your project, then alter the way remoting is configured to put the custom header information into the message.
Unfortunately I don't know how to put the custom header information in the message, sorry... I'd recommend looking at Ingo Rammer's remoting book to see if he discusses that topic.
In case anyone else needs to do this the way i solved it is adding a custom client sink to the .NET Remoting HTTP Channel so insert the needed headers into the HTTP request objects and a custom server sink to extract header information.
My RemotingProxy.cs constructor HTTP channel create looks like this.
BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider formatter = new BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider();Copyright (c) Marimer LLC