Child object save/retrieve

Child object save/retrieve

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cinnzeo posted on Monday, August 27, 2007


I am required to design an 'Account' object which should hold several child collection objects as per the following tree:


Please advise on where should db setting and retrieving methods can be implement; is it suitable to implement those methods in collection objects (Collection saves/retrieves child objects) or in child objects (You have to invoke the save/retrieve method on each object)?

Provide with samples if available.

Thanks in advance.

Marjon1 replied on Monday, August 27, 2007


I'd take a look at the ProjectTracker sample project, provide with CSLA as this is a good example of where the CRUD methods are called for both root and children objects.

I also suggest doing some more research on the forums, as there are several examples of similar patterns.

If you are planning to work with CSLA on a regular basis, I can't recommend any better resource than the BusinessObjects book

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