Re: how can i set grandchild biz objectRe: how can i set grandchild biz object
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sntslm posted on Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I have finished my parent/child/grandchild WindowsUI test.But have some problem:(
It runs very well when fetch data from database,show me as well as DeepData project do.
But when I edit the GrandChild ,and execute the parent class Save function,
some exception show me like that: "Edit level mismatch in AcceptChanges"!
Can you give me some advice?I'm using csla 3.0.2(test 3) version.
The DeepData project is just show us the readonlyBuisnessBase fetch data from database,is there any example show me the BuisnessBase implement Fetch/insert/update/delete function?
Thanks a lot.
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