CSLAGen / CodeSmith

CSLAGen / CodeSmith

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/3475.aspx

eslater posted on Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I am working on a conversion to the latest version of CSLA and quite happily found the CSLA Gen project.  I have been using CodeSmith for my code generation up till now but am interested in potentially switching to CSLA Gen (I like the idea of being in control of the generator).  Can anyone provide some feedback on whether this is a good idea?  How long does it take to get up to speed with CSLAGen and is it developed enough that making the switch is a good idea?

All comments are greatly appreciated.

Elliot Slater

DesNolan replied on Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't CSLA Gen use the CodeSmith generation engine, and thus extends that application. Is that engine redistributable?

(I just completed a cursory review of the four most popular generators for CSLA and wrote up some rough notes as to my views of them for some developers working for me, I'd be happy to send it to anyone, its in MS Word doc format. Be warned, it's not likely to be everyone's cup of tea, but may be of use for a general overview.)




xal replied on Tuesday, September 04, 2007

That's correct. Cslagen uses codesmith to process the templates and output the code, but it does so internally. You have no interaction with codesmith whatsoever.
Also, the app uses the free version of codesmith (v2.6).


DesNolan replied on Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I did check out your stuff recently, and was quite impressed with it.

And thanks for the post above, I thought CodeSmith had dropped the freeware version along the way, but when I saw your post, I decided to double check, and went to their site, typed in the word free and came up with a link to their freeware verson 2.6 at http://www.codesmithtools.com/freeware.aspx. (Commercial version of CodeSmith is at verion 4 now, and costs about $300 per seat.)

Andres, thanks for the lead, and your hard work on your extension of CodeSmith.


Des Nolan

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