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FireGarden posted on Thursday, September 06, 2007

Given the release of VS2008 and .Net 3.5 I am no longer writing windows forms applications and migrating to learning WPF.

The basis of WPF is a System.Windows.DepencyObject. Where is the Csla support for this class? How can I do WPF databinding without this base class?

Do I now abondon Csla and write my own business framework based on WCF and WPF?

A Csla road map would be much appreciated.


Rob FireGarden

Curelom replied on Thursday, September 06, 2007

You don't need to drop Csla for WCF, but you do need to upgrade to Csla 3.0.1 or better

There is a sample wpf app to give you a start.  Rocky is currently writing an ebook that would give you further details.  Last I heard, this ebook should be ready around the end of this month.

You can find a roadmap here

FireGarden replied on Thursday, September 06, 2007

How do I set a dependency property on a Csla businesss object? From what i understand i need to start with a class that is based on a DependencyObject.

Rob FireGarden

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, September 06, 2007

You should not need to do such a thing.

Dependency properties are artifacts of WPF and WF - both of which are interface layer technologies (from a CSLA perspective).

WPF binds to business objects directly - no need for DPs.

WF binds to DPs, but you should never expose a business object as a public property of an activity/workflow, and so there too it is a non-issue.

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