MyGeneration VB Templates

MyGeneration VB Templates

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eslater posted on Thursday, September 06, 2007

Do VB templates for MyGeneration exist somewhere?  I found Rich Marks C# templates but cant seem to find any VB templates around.

Q Johnson replied on Friday, September 07, 2007


You were a huge help to me when I was first looking at CodeSmith for CSLA 1.x a year and a half ago. Many thanks! I ended up going with MyGeneration because (1) I liked the ability to write the template code in Visual Studio rather than the way CodeSmith does it (is that asp script?? - I'm still doing Windows apps and that stuff looks odd to me <G>) and (2) the great flexibility of defining meta-data.  The control you have in building whatever user interface you want is surely powerful, too.  But I haven't exploited that in any real way.  I just haven't needed to.

So I built lots of CSLA 1.x templates.  You're welcome to those if you want them. 

I haven't decided how to do CSLA 2.x yet.  I downloaded the CSLAGen project and have been impressed with its capabilities.  I just haven't decided whether or not I have enough control in their project UI to avoid having to work on my own templates.  My first few VS2005 apps haven't needed CSLA, so I still haven't had to make the choice.

I know 1.x templates aren't anything to get excited over, but you didn't get any other responses <g>.  And I'd be happy to introduce you to the process of editing the templates via a remote connection if you'd like to give it a try.  And, of course, they'll work as they are for VS2005, too.  But then you miss all the goodies of CSLA 2.x (its use of partial classes and generics, better Validation, the new DataPortal events, etc., etc.). 

Respond here or e-mail me directly at account name QJohnson using domain TeamNFP (it's a COM not one of those others) if you're interested in looking at them.




eslater replied on Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thanks for the offer Q.  I am really pressed for time so I think I am going to run with CSLAgen for now.  It seems pretty solid although I am not a fan of property grids.  Since there doesnt seem to be any MyGeneration templates for VB around I will delay checking the product out for now.

In the future I will either get involved with the CSLAgen source code, write my own generator using CodeSmith or move to MyGeneration.  When that time comes I will send you an email to pick your brain about MyGeneration. 


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