Question about Project Tracker

Question about Project Tracker

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Ton Smeets posted on Friday, September 07, 2007

I was wondering why there has been made a change in project tracker. The change is made in Rescource.cs and is about adding an eventhandler.


private Resource()


_assignments = ResourceAssignments.NewResourceAssignments();

_assignments.ListChanged += new System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler(_assignments_ListChanged);


void _assignments_ListChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs e)






protected override void OnDeserialized(System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context)


_assignments.ListChanged += new System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler(_assignments_ListChanged);


What is exactly the reason for adding these eventhandlers, beside the fact there are now . Yust because I am curious.

RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, September 07, 2007

This scheme flows the listchanged event up through the root object.

When a child item in the list changes (or an item is added/removed from the list) the ListChanged event is raised.

The parent (Resource) handles that event and raises a PropertyChanged event, telling data binding that it has changed (because a child has changed).

Strictly speaking, there's no reason for doing this in the ProjectTracker app, because changing a child has no cascading effect on any properties of Resource. However, this illustrates the answer to a very common question, which is how to bubble the event from child to list to parent, so now when people ask about it, I can point them to Resource for the answer.

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