How to build PTWpf?

How to build PTWpf?

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CSLAer posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pardon me if I ask the stupid question.

I was trying to build the new version which is cslacs-3.0.2-070828. But I got errors like "System.Core", "Error 2 The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context F:\CSLA\csla30cs\ProjectTrackercs\PTWpf\Login.xaml.cs 24 7 PTWpf" etc.

I've installed VS 2005, VS 2005 Extensions, .NET Framework 3.0. Did I miss something?

triplea replied on Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I had the same problems with that setup. Then I got angry and installed Orcas Beta 2 (which had just come out) and it worked fine.

RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Pardon me if I ask the stupid question.

I was trying to build the new version which is cslacs-3.0.2-070828. But I got errors like "System.Core", "Error 2 The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context F:\CSLA\csla30cs\ProjectTrackercs\PTWpf\Login.xaml.cs 24 7 PTWpf" etc.

I've installed VS 2005, VS 2005 Extensions, .NET Framework 3.0. Did I miss something?

Several ProjectTracker 3.0 projects were built using Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2. The tool support in VS 2005 is simply not mature and won't be a long-term answer for anyone doing WPF, WCF or WF, and so I built those solutions using the technology Microsoft will support going forward.

I know this causes some short-term pain, but it was unrealistic to try and use the half-baked VS 2005 tools to do real work, and I wanted to get this stuff running and working in a forward-looking manner.

Check the readme.txt file in the download to see which projects are VS 2008 and which are VS 2005.

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