CSLA properties, which should we include?

CSLA properties, which should we include?

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/3565.aspx

renegrin posted on Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hey I need an opinion on something our team is divided on. Is it perferrable to have columns in our business object that do not persist to the database? Sometimes we have a display item that we need to transform in the UI to display a "description" of a persisted code. Or is in preferable to keep transformations of this type in the UI display logic and out of the "business" object?

ReadOnlyChild replied on Tuesday, September 18, 2007

if I grasped your idea... a way to do this is rely on a NameValueList that "translates" codes to descriptions.

Some templates "cache" the list in a static variable so it does not hit the database a lot.

So if your BO persists an EmployeeTypeId the NVL would translate the ID to the Description

string desc = EmployeeTypeNameValueList.GetInstance().GetValue("code");


triplea replied on Wednesday, September 19, 2007

That's great if you don't have conditional code that depends on these properties. In my case I have lots of ReadOnly lists/lookup tables in the db (e.g. EmployeeType). If I need to create business rules on my Employee object based on employee type or anything depending on that value, to avoid weak typing I would have a static class containing constants for all Employee Types (hard-coded) and a static method that returns a hard coded description for a given code.
I know that its lots of hard coded values but I prefer that (since these values will hardly ever change) rather than weakly typed code. But any comments on this would also be appreciated.

JoeFallon1 replied on Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It is perfectly fine to have "extra properties" (also called borrowed properties) in your BO.

In a normalized DB you will have many "code fields" in your table. When you build a BO for that table you will obviously store all the fields for it. But your users will want to see the descriptive text for each code field. So when you fetch the BO you should also fetch the corresponding description for each code field.

The question is - how and where do you get this description value? The other posters are suggesting you have separate BOs for them which is fine in many cases. There is nothing wrong with adding some JOINs to your SQL to fetch fields from related tables.



renegrin replied on Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Adding JOINs in our case would not be our first choice since we have a massive amout of lookup tables. Virtual properties seems like interesting route, I was concerned about "business" object purity and the effect on future maintenance.

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