Aspect Oriented Programming and CSLA

Aspect Oriented Programming and CSLA

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MAltadonna posted on Monday, September 24, 2007

I attend a user group recently that discussed AOP in the context of WPF and WCF. With the addition of these technologies in CSLA 3.x, has anyone played with AOP (really custom attributes) to any extent?

I ran across a product called PostSharp ( that has a framework to solve much of the plumbing needed to inject AOP into CSLA. I just wanted to see if there are other folks in the pool as well.

JoeFallon1 replied on Monday, September 24, 2007

Hi Matt!

Haven't seen you around these parts for a few years.

I am not familiar with those products. I recall a thread that discussed custom atributes in a big way though. It made use of another product to do some interesting stuff.

Maybe a search will turn it up.

Hope things are well with you.



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