IsSavable on BLB root
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bgilbert posted on Thursday, September 27, 2007
I've implemented an IsSavable in a BLB-derived root class. It looks something like this:
Public Function IsSavable() As Boolean
If Me.DeletedList.Count > 0 Then
Return True
End If
For Each item As myChildClass In Me
If Not item.IsSavable Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
I call this from the bindingsource's CurrentItemChanged event to set the Save button's enabled. The problem is that, at the point in the process when the CurrentItemChanged event is raised, RemoveItem hasn't yet been called and so the DeletedList is empty.
Am I approaching this the right way? If so, is there a different event I should trap to evaluate IsSavable?
bgilbert replied on Friday, September 28, 2007
Ok. I see that the timing of the raising of ListChanged events has changed in 3.0. This will fix this issue for me.
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