Survey of the subject of +200 messages

Survey of the subject of +200 messages

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tiago posted on Sunday, September 30, 2007

Having been with limited Internet access for several monthes, I had more than 400 threads waiting on my post box (I wiped out replies so only the first message shows up). I decided to archive by subject and read them later. This is not the written subject but the subject I found reading the message in a hurry. The statistics follow:

Data Binding 38
Business Rules 27
Properties 16
N-Level Undo 13
Design 12
Childs 11
Events 8
Remoting 7
Transactions 7
Data Portal 6
Exceptions 6
Authorization 5
SmartDate 4
Custom Authentication 2
Miscellaneous 19

This totals 181 messages and we can see the clear winners are Data Binding  and Business Rules.

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