I have used this templates to generate a editable child object-split baseclass.Then I have a parent(rootobject) which has a ID and i want use it when i unsert a new child object
Client parent - Root object
BankAccount child object
-first a little code:
public abstract class BankAccountBase<T> : Csla.BusinessBase<T> where T :BankAccountBase<T>
#region Data Access - Insert
internal void Insert<P>(SqlConnection cn, P parent) where P : ClientBase<P>
if (!IsDirty) return;
ExecuteInsert(cn, parent);
//update child object(s)
protected virtual void ExecuteInsert<P>(SqlConnection cn, P parent) where P : ClientBase<P>
protected virtual void AddInsertParameters<P>(SqlCommand cm, P parent) where P : ClientBase<P>
#endregion //Data Access - Insert
Now in user class which is
public class BankAccount : BankAccountBase<BankAccount>
I want to override base methods like this
#region Data Access - Insert
protected override void ExecuteInsert<Client>(SqlConnection cn, Client parent)//Client is the parent class
It doesn,t work .
So how you guys do when you eant override methods in generated abstract base classes and use a specific type like Client ?
in base class:
protected virtual void ExecuteInsert<P>(SqlConnection cn, P parent) where P : ClientBase<P>
in user class:
protected override void ExecuteInsert<Client>(SqlConnection cn, Client parent)//Client is the parent class
What error message did you get?
Notice the constraint in base class, so make sure your Client object is inherited from ClientBase, or you can stay with P.
This is my Client class:
Serializable()] public class Client : ClientBase<Client>{}
in base class:
protected virtual void ExecuteInsert<P>(SqlConnection cn, P parent) where P : ClientBase<P>
now if i do like this:
in user class:
protected override void ExecuteInsert<Client>(SqlConnection cn, Client parent)//Client is the parent class
The result is that "Client" become a generic identifer not InvoiceServices.Library.Client
if i do like this:
in user class:
protected override void ExecuteInsert<Client>(SqlConnection cn, InvoiceServices.Library.Client parent)//Client is the parent class
I get error:
no suitable method found to override
if i do like this:
in user class:
protected override void ExecuteInsert<InvoiceServices.Library.Client>(SqlConnection cn, InvoiceServices.Library.Client parent)//Client is the parent class
I get error:
Type parameter declaration must be an identifier not a type
The issue is if you can not override this virtal generic methods so why using virtual
and why anyway using generic and all this .. I mean Code generator knows the type of parent class so it wouldn't be better for code generator to use ´ClientBase type directly.
The thing is i want use something like parent.ClientID and i can do this in base class
but in overrided method i can't!
protected virtual void AddInsertParameters<P>(SqlCommand cm, P parent) where P : ClientBase<P>{
parent.ClientID //intellisense Works
in Child class:
protected overridevoid AddInsertParameters<P>(SqlCommand cm, P parent) // I can not define constraint here it it usese constraint in baseclass
parent.ClientID //intellisense doesn't work no ClintId property
protected overridevoid AddInsertParameters<P>(SqlCommand cm, P parent) // I can not define constraint here it it usese constraint in baseclass //Yes, because it always inherited from your base class
parent.ClientID //intellisense doesn't work no ClintId property //Yes, however it will compile and it will work
//or you can create a local method with constraint (of course) and pass the parent, from there you'll get intellisense
private void LocalMethod<P>(P parent) where P : ClientBase<P> { //intellisense here }
Your argument about using generic on virtual method is well taken however. Initially, I have used non generic method like this:
protected override void AddInsertParameter(SqlCommand cm, Client parent) {}
I did change however to generic, thinking that all code in base class should stays on base class land. This gives flexibility not to enforce contract with any concrete class.
But when I think of it again, this not really an issue. Our base class really a _different type_ of base class. It is intended to be used by one concrete class only.
Any Generics Guru wants to chime in? I would like to hear from anybody, if there is a better way of implementing this.
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