Decorated business objects?Decorated business objects?
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ajj3085 posted on Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I have come up against an interesting problem. I have a business object, which is basically a decorator around another business object. Most of the properties / methods delegate to the decorated instance.
All works fine... except for business rules. The decorator class adds a few rules, but some of the properties only delegate, so if one if the decorated objects has a broken rule, it won't show up through the decorator class.
Do I need to create a way to merge the broken rules of each object together? Is this even supported by Csla?
ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I think implementing IDataErrorInfo in my BO and doing the merge there will work nicely.
triplea replied on Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I am a bit tempted to ask for some more info (pseudo or sample code) on how you would implement this once you have got it to a working stage :-)ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, October 17, 2007
It was pretty easy actually. Just to an explicit interface definition. Item represents the decorated item.
string IDataErrorInfo.Error {
get {
string result;
result = "";
if ( !IsValid ) {
result = ValidationRules.GetBrokenRules().ToString(
result += Environment.NewLine +
Item.GetBrokenRules().ToString( RuleSeverity.Error );
return result;
string IDataErrorInfo.this[ string columnName ] {
get {
BrokenRule rule;
string result = string.Empty;
if ( !IsValid ) {
rule =
ValidationRules.GetBrokenRules().GetFirstBrokenRule( columnName );
if ( rule == null ) {
rule = Item.GetBrokenRules().GetFirstBrokenRule( columnName );
if ( rule != null ) {
result = rule.Description;
else {
result = rule.Description;
return result;
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