csla svn repository - no tag for 3-0-2

csla svn repository - no tag for 3-0-2

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/3751.aspx

Jimbo posted on Saturday, October 20, 2007


In viewing your latest updates and notes regarding the trunk and branch repository and assembly versions ( http://www.lhotka.net/weblog/CSLANET35ForVisualStudio2008.aspx)
and then referring to the svn repository itself, there seems to be a missed snapshot for V3-0-2 - or am I looking in the wrong place.


Jimbo replied on Friday, October 26, 2007

Attention Rocky,
Just raising this issue again for your attention.
I would like to add that as an svn administrator it is not always easy to keep up with but the missing tag is rather odd as you have released this version along with excellent primers to wcf, wf and wpf  in the ebook to boot.


RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, October 26, 2007

Unfortunately, in the middle of all the hectic things going on in my life recently, I forgot to do the tag when I released the code, and then I did some changes corresponding to 3.0.3.

I don't know if there's a way to go back and apply a tag against a specific date or something, and I haven't had time to research that concept, nor to sort through the exact date/time where the C# and VB tags would be applied (they aren't the same I don't think).

jmccomb replied on Saturday, October 27, 2007

The tagging part's a doddle if you're using TortoiseSVN and you know the revision number.
1) Right click on the trunk in Explorer, choose TortoiseSVN > Branch/tag...
2) Specify where you're tagging to in the usual way
3) Instead of selecting the "HEAD revision in the respository" option, choose "Specific revision in repository" and then enter the revision number in the text box.
4) Add message and click OK
Working out the correct date/time and then revision number could be a little trickier...

Jimbo replied on Tuesday, October 30, 2007

If you review the csla svn repository structure it will be more clear what is Rocky's delemma.  Basically all projects are under the same trunk/tags as against separate projects, each, with its own trunk/branches and tags.  There is nothing wrong with Rocky's approach.  But when it comes to some situations where focus is on one particular project (solution), it turns out that managing a single global trunk can be an admistrative problem, particularly when there are many [people/teams] and different roadmaps and [issues] involved.  In the current structure, Rocky has to ensure that all projects (cs, vb, test etc.) are exactly in sync. in order to create a totally clean branch/tag.  As he has mentioned, the focus and pace has changed, and this would suggest that the structure should also change to cope and allow relatively independent development along each stream.  Integration of separate projects is another issue, but svn has ways to deal with this.  It is a pitty that the milestone "global" edition has not been captured as exactly as we would want; but then there are the build releases that are the backup. You can possibly [carefully] retro fit a build release of each project to fill the gap. Although the revision history numbers would not be as perfect as otherwise. After all - its all history.

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, October 31, 2007

OK, I did create 3.0.2 tags. I believe they are correspond to the download zip archives - or at least they are very close. That'll have to do in any case.

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