Does anyone have a PowerPoint Presentation on the benefits and advantages of using CSLA. Yes, I could do one and start from scratch, but I am willing to bet someone has already done that and being the developer I am, I fully believe in reusing things, whether it be code or stuff for a "dog and pony show".
I am starting the re-engineering of a MS Access application (front end) and SQL Server 2005 (back end) and am utilizing CSLA. Now, the company that acquired us has an AS/400 (or as I refer to it as an ASS/400 or POS/400 for piece of s$%t) and they are in the dark ages of technology. I think the AS/400 came out in the early to mid 80's. Anyway, I am utilzing CSLA and am developing my business objects and will be utilizing Windows and Web forms (WPF is not mature enough yet and I don't have time to learn all the intracies of it to have it change). I believe in CSLA as I have developed a number of VB6 apps utilizing it and have been utilizing it for years for other apps. When WPF matures, I will be able to create the front end utilizing it and all the business objects will be able to be used.
So, if anyone has a PowerPoint Presentation that they had to use to present to management the advantages of CSLA, could you email me at and let me check out the presentation.
Thank you in advance,
Keith S. Safford
How many programmers on your programming team?
How many of the programmers actually doing the work agree that CSLA is the way to go?
Because if they all agree on using CSLA, don't give a presentation to management until AFTER the project is over.
Otherwise you are asking technically incompetent people to make this technical decision :
"Can we use CSLA?"
Asking technically incompetent people to make technical decisions is - well - to put it bluntly - asking for an incompetent answer.
When choosing whether to use CSLA, here are the questions to ask:
"Is this the best way, the least expensive way, and the fastest way I know how to build the product, at the desired level of quality within the desired timeframe?"
If the answer is yes, never, ever, ask non-technical management unless they have to write a check to make it happen.
If the answer is Yes for some of the categories, but not all, the question to ask management is this:
Please rank these in "Most Important" order:
If your technical assessment of using CSLA matches their priorities, use CSLA. If it doesn't use the best way you know how.
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