We have noticed that the reference to the PresentationCore in your CSLA 3.0.2 release is an explicit reference to the x86 library instead of the AnyCPU/MSIL library. We're developing on x64 boxes (in Vista) - any particular reason for the x86 reference?
VB or C#?
The reference may have carried forward from the VS 2005 add-in for WPF, when that assembly wasn't in the GAC (or something). I may just need to re-reference it or something.
OK, I’ve added the issue to the wish list, so I’ll
get to it at some point.
From: Bob Matthew
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] PresentationCore x86 Reference...
It was in the C# version. When we were experiencing
trouble with the x86 PresentationCore being added to x64 bin folders, I opened
the .csproj in notepad and saw that the reference was explicitly x86.
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