DataPortal_Create method call failed

DataPortal_Create method call failed

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dantes1 posted on Thursday, October 25, 2007

i had this exception when my webservice was tring to execute the code below...

Dim t As namespace.editableroot
t = namespace.editableroot.Neweditableroot()

the editableroot class was created using the csla2.0.x version... and now im changing it to csla3.0.2...

this is the whole message - DataPortal.Create failed (System.NotSupportedException: Invalid operation - create not allowed
   at Csla.Core.BusinessBase.DataPortal_Create() in C:\development\Csla\ver_3_0_2\cslavb\Csla\Core\BusinessBase.vb:line 1184)

dont know why this is happening...

DavidDilworth replied on Friday, October 26, 2007

This exception is thrown by the CSLA core BusinessBase class if you don't override the DataPortal_Create() method.

If you are using the Data Portal to create a new instance by calling DataPortal.Create() then you MUST override this method in your class.

IanK replied on Friday, October 26, 2007

Assuming you are overriding the Dataportal_create method in your object verify your calling statement and the method both include or exclude a criteria argument. 


Public Shared Function NewMyObject() As MyObject

If Not CanAddObject() Then

Throw New System.Security.SecurityException( _

"User not authorized to add a Object")

End If

Return DataPortal.Create(Of MyObject)()

end function

Private Overloads Sub DataPortal_Create()


Select defaults from wherever

end sub 

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