Extended functionality CSLA Templates

Extended functionality CSLA Templates

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/3784.aspx

Dave Boal posted on Friday, October 26, 2007

CodeQwik.Net is a new CSLA/CodeSmith training and template company. When you go to the home page, (www.codeqwik.net), you will find a link to "Customized CodeSmith Templates" which contain extended functionality CSLA templates, and a link to "Software Development Training Courses" which contain several courses, one specifically for CSLA.Net training.

Rocky, just wanted to let you know that CodeQwik.Net has a crosslink to lhotka.net on the home page, and this last Monday October 22nd, delivered a CSLA presentation to the Denver Visual Studio Users group http://www.denvervisualstudio.net/ (about 150 in attendance).

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