song library app root, switchable, child? 2.0song library app root, switchable, child? 2.0
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kids_pro posted on Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Hi all,
I am still confusing how to implement the following use case.
My sample app is song library with the following hierachy:
Production has many albums, an album has many songs.
Is it correct if I implement it as follow:
+ Production: BusinessBase<Production> - parent
+ Albums: BusinessListBase<Albums, Album> child
+ Album: BusinessBase<Album> switchable object
+ Songs: BusinessListBase<Songs, Song>
+ Song: BusinessBase<Song> - grand child
Please advice.
DavidDilworth replied on Thursday, June 15, 2006
What exactly is your use case (i.e. the question)? All you've given is an object hierarchy (i.e. the solution). You need to ask a better question to get some help.
kids_pro replied on Thursday, June 15, 2006
I am not sure if I implement it correct or not with the Album object as a switchable object.
guyroch replied on Thursday, June 15, 2006
A switchable object simply means that your object can be instantiated as a root object in one case and as a child objectr in another case.
If this is your only need for Album, then there is not need for a switchable object. Remember, a switchable object usually mean a bad design.
Like David asked, what are your use cases?
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